With thanks to Judy Adams from Adams Turkey Farm in Westford, VT this hearty recipe…

Maple Dream Bars
First Layer:
- 2 cups flour
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- 2 sticks butter (melted)
Pat into bottom of a 9×13 pan. Bake 350 for 20 min – cool
Second Layer:
- 1 cup confectioners sugar
- 1 8oz cream cheese (room temp)
- 1 8oz cool whip (non-dairy topping)
Mix and spread on top of first layer.
Third Layer:
- 3 cups Vermont Maple Syrup
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 cup water
- 2/3 cup flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tablespoons butter
Put syrup in a 2 quart sauce pan and warm. Combine and beat thoroughly eggs, water flour and salt. mix into syrup and cook in double boiler or heavy gauge bottom pan until it boils, stirring with whisk all the while to prevent sticking. Remove from heat and add butter. Let cool. Spread on second layer.
Fourth Layer:
Spread one 8oz cool whip or non-dairy topping on top!