With thanks to Judy Adams from Adams Turkey Farm in Westford, VT this hearty recipe…

Maple Chipotle & Maple Seasoned Steak, Shrimp & Scallops with a side of Elote’
- 4 ears sweet corn
- 1 tablespoon Mayonnaise
- ½ teaspoon Branon Family Maple Chipotle Rub and/or ½ teaspoon Branon Family Maple Seasoning & Rub
- ¼ cup freshly grated Cotija Cheese
- Chopped Cilantro for garnish or taste (optional)
- Rub your choice of the seasoning into the Steak, both sides and place on grill. Cook the meat to the right doneness of your liking.
- Use a small plastic bag to toss your scallops or shrimp into the seasoning of your choice or mix it up! Place on the grill on medium heat.
- Grill the scallops & shrimp for about 10-15 min turning them over once or twice to get a nice light brown coating on them.
- Grill or broil the sweet corn until done.
- De-cob (cut the corn off the cob) Place in the mixing bowl. Allow to cool.
- Add mayo to corn, mix with fork, add Branon Family Maple Orchards Chipotle Rub and Cotija cheese mix well.
- Top with Cilantro – Allow to cool. Can be kept for days.